Wednesday, March 14, 2007


Ronda ronda blog Angel Eyes....jumpa benda nih. Macam best, aku pun layan gak ler.

Personality Moods: Wild Cat
You’re strong and never afraid of a challenge. You see beauty even in the most inhospitable environments. You have a pioneering attitude to life – always moving onto the next challenge. You’re experimental and sometimes a little unconventional. As for music, you’re a focused listener and always on the look out for something new.

Personality Fun: Conqueror
You love physical activity – you’ve got a real spirit for adventure. Keeping a clear head and healthy body makes you ready for whatever life throws at you. For kicks, you like to experience life at full volume with the lights on full. You express yourself and don’t mind who’s watching. When it comes to holidays, there’s no stopping you once you’ve got the taste for adventure.

Personality Habits: Back to basics
Even if you have a healthy approach to life, you still have your little vices that keep you going throughout the day. It is all part of the routine, you’re a creature of habit. Mmmm..caffeine love the stability and comfort of routine.

Personality Love: Home Soul
You’re a real home soul. You care deeply about family life and all that comes with it, the love between a parent and child is so special. When you think of freedom – nature takes over. Getting back, out into the wilderness is a big draw.

ntah ler....hmmmm....


Aku kena TAG ngan Lindosh dan Iyandz. Depa teringin nak tengok desktop aku...layan layan...

Resolution : 1024 by 768 pixel (right clik/properties/setting)
Laptop, LCD or CRT monitor : LCD monitor
Been using this desktop since : 53 bulan lepas kot
Kaedah (bagi yg tak tau) : Hit “Print Scrn” di keyboard > Ctrl+c > Ctrl+v dalam paint/adobe photoshop..:)

Aku teringin nak tengok desktop:
2) Jaja

Selamat layan....oh ya! aku dah habih jiwang dah:D


tintaHati said...

Apakah aku org pertama komen? Huhuhu... Sampai lidah kelu tak tertulis apa...ahakss

13may said...

tintahati: chewah chewah;)

oh! aku org yg ke-2!!!

aNIe said...

Kak lady dah buat dah imagini tu...

Tapi malas nak tampal kat blog...ade gambar2 yang tak sesuai la pulak...hahahaha...

Darling said...

my desktop?

biarlah rasia..

hehehehehe >)

ps: kalo nk buat gaks, kena tuko wallpaper le dulu.. kekekeke

Anonymous said...

saja menyibuk..
x tau nk komen apa..

debikdebuk said...

ala la laaa... tak jiwang dah la pulakkk.... dah leh terima hakikat ke... atau ko jumpa yang lain???

Pa'chik said...

kau buat benda tu, ko jawab dengan jujur ke?

kingbinjai said...

sekali jiwang, selamanya jiwang!

RaFFLeSiA MeRaH said...

gitu yer 13may...emmmm....

Masy said...

ape jiwang-jiwang ni, x paham ah :p

Anonymous said...

bersedia untuk 17th n 27th march,

bersediakah untuk tewas?

DeeN said...

hoh, dah ok ker. Hm..biasa la, lelaki jiwangnye kejap-kejap jer. Hangat-hangat tahi ayam hahahahaha

ko wat menda alah apa tuh? Betul ker hakikatnya hek hek hek ..

cikdinz said...

desktop aku gambor mitsubishi evo9.
tak dapat keter pon jadik gambar pon bleh lah....

ILynn Virgobiru said...

cam best nk cube la

leeds said...

alaaaaa dah abih jiwang ke?

tak behh aaaaa

achik said...

eleh konon je tu dah abis jiwang...
romeo jiwang forever hahaha..

Darling said...

abis jiwang?

makna ko jadi zalim le now ek?


Unknown said...

weh jiwang lah lagikkk.. wat sambongan tuhh huhuhu

Anonymous said...

fuhh! sib baik aku x kena TAG. lo ni trend gantri lak.

Anonymous said...

haha.. yer, cantik sungguh, sekian terima kasih...

zwitterion said...

this is good
thank you

shafarina said...

Love physical activity and home soul???? Hmmmmmmm

D said...

aku dah habih jiwang dah - boleh caya ke ni???

izinni said...

uikkss .. dah abis jiwang ek? berapa minit? hehehhe

~inilah saya~ said...

layan...jangan tak layan

Bunga Rampai said...

My drink, my vice .... hehehe, serupa!

Tapi desktop saya latarnya hijau ... heheeh, tak serupa!

Salam 13may :)

Angel Eyes said...

Sempat ronda lagi tu.. bagusss!

Menarik nampak.. hmm....

Titicaca said...

huh! aku x pecaya tu gambar desktop ko..mana gambar sebenar..cepat bagitau..muahahahaa..

Anonymous said...

mcm titicaca gak... wa pon x percaya itu gambar desktop hang..

blackpurple @ jowopinter said...

Malas la nak buat. Kau buatkan la.... :D

Anonymous said...


TedungS said...

tk jiwang tp dok cerita love lagi. hang mmg jiwang le bro ;p

Sastri said...

baru pasan, tadi paste gambar monitor je tapi lupa nak jawab spek dia... isk... malas dah laa nak edit...

akirasuri said...

banyak icon. rajin ek ;)

Ayaq said...


K i a H R o N g G e n G said...

alamak result test tu sama lah ...sehati sejawa ape ngan koo usikk ke adek kembau niee ahakkss lariiiii

merapuman said...

ramai yg ada imagni tu, macam best la pulak. Hi hensem!

Azer Mantessa said...

yay! wild cat ...meowwwwwwwwwww

faridfadhly said...

aritu aku ade nampak sorg minah letak wallpaper gamba muke die besar2.

pastu pasang laptop kat tgh2 org ramai kat lobi kolej

ok tu jela cite die.

Anonymous said...

aku tgk kt stadium mlm tu.
dah la 1st time,
dok kat tmpt penyokong kedah,
kalah plak tuh,
mmg nightmare la..
siyyyoootttttt jek. haha.

sib baik balik tu derang banje char kuew teow telor ayam dibasuh kat sg dua!

13may said...

kakLady: hehhe...mana mana gambar tak sesuai...delete ajer la:)

darling: hehhe...

Esampah: hahha...taktau nak jawab apa;P

debik: hehhe...kasi suasana cool dulu:)

akuOK: okeh:)

pa'chik: mana nak jawab hah??? hahha;)

akuOK: ha ha ha:D

king: hehhe...

RM: cuba la layan plak...hehhe

masy: sapa jiwang hah??? hehhe

jaja: :)

NorDeen: ceh! langsung tak relevan jiwang ngan tahi ayam...hahha

cikDinz: layan layan:D

ilynn: hehhe...cuba la:)

Leeds: hehhe...;)

achik: ceh!

darling: hehhe...tengok la dulu camna:)

Lindosh: hehhe...tunggu!!!

penyu: hehhe...nanti hang mesti kena ngan org lain plak:D

orochi: iya...terima kasih:)

zwit: hehhe...mcm kenai saja ayat tuh:D

wan: betul...mesti tak caya tuh:D

d: hehhe...

izinni: kah kah kah

inilahSaya: tima kasih:)

BRampai: salam kembali...jom minum kopi sesama;)

angel: hehhe...

titi: betul...aku tak tipu la...tapi memang aku dah tukar pun.....hahahahaha:P

HaloG: hehhe...

BP: hehhe...

Esampah: coming coming!

Tedungs: hehhe....camna la aku nak explain kat hgpa semua nih:))

sastri: hehhe...takpa, next time buat semula:)

akira: itu semua lakonan ajer...jgn terpedaya;)

ayaqmasak: mana number tepon anda??? ngeh ngeh ngeh

kaih: hah??? ni mesti meniru nih....hahha

M-man: hahha...brader apa cerita sekrg????

azer: meow meow:))

FFadly: cerita yg menarik:)

jaja: hehhe....pulun kedah pulun!!!!

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Designer: Douglas Bowman | Di ubahsuai oleh: 13may